The team blog
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Showing posts tagged: management x
Let me share a secret: Employees who think work is a series of activities, and as long as they go about doing these activities, they do "work", are wrong. People holding such misconceptions will be the first up for grab by...

Long story short: we are in the process of migrating our Travis/Jenkins CI infrastructure to GitLab CI while keeping our source code in GitHub and thus the Open Source workflow that we love. So what is the challenge with it? At...
By uri3n,
Given the extent your physical and mental life is being absorbed by work, selecting your next workplace is challenging and tough. This blog post outlines three important topics to be mindful of when considering joining...

Our operating model assumes value is created as a function of beliefs. At we strongly believe in autonomy and the goodness in people. Humans are born free and happy. These are states naturally pursued throughout...

A great barrier to progress relates to decision making. Without clarity in decisions, directions and prioritizations become ambiguous. This translates to slower, and in worst case, a randomly moving business. At