The team blog
Learn more about what we do, and how we do it!

We are proud to announce that Mender has entered the league of the most prestigious and ambitious projects in Europe through the award of a phase 2 SME project under the Horizon 2020 project. The SME program supports “high-risk,...

"Cyberthreats continue to impose an ever-bigger danger across the fabric of our society. Governments around the world are waking up to this harsh reality and, as with global warming, this can best be dealt with at an...

A great barrier to progress relates to decision making. Without clarity in decisions, directions and prioritizations become ambiguous. This translates to slower, and in worst case, a randomly moving business. At

At employees are allowed the freedom to choose their own organizational title. You may ask why a titleless culture currently resonates at Read on…. The concept of titles According to wikipedia, a...

As previously described in the Value Creation Model, people’s beliefs about others, like colleagues, customers, etc. and beliefs about relevant systems, like budgeting processes, product development, etc. deeply influence their...